 index of namespace default
 index of project tkmath
 index of module tkmath

Class tkmath.Matrix

SynopsisBase class for all matrix objects

  Base classes:
  Derived classes:
Method getColumnMajor
Get current element order
booleanTrue if matrix is in column major mode, false if it uses row major mode

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Method setColumnMajor
Set element order (column major/row major)

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Project Modules:tkmath 
Project Classes:Complexd , Complexf , Math , Matrix , Matrix2d , Matrix2f , Matrix3d , Matrix3f , Matrix4d , Matrix4f , Quaterniond , Quaternionf , Vector2d , Vector2f , Vector3d , Vector3f , Vector4d , Vector4f 
Project Functions:absd , absf , acoscd , acoscf , acosd , acosf , acoshcd , acoshcf , acoshd , acoshf , asincd , asincf , asind , asinf , asinhcd , asinhcf , asinhd , asinhf , atan2d , atan2f , atancd , atancf , atand , atanf , atanhcd , atanhcf , atanhd , atanhf , ceild , ceilf , complexd , complexf , complexfPolar , complexfPolar , coscd , coscf , cosd , cosf , coshcd , coshcf , coshd , coshf , exp10d , exp10f , exp2d , exp2f , expcd , expcf , expd , expf , floord , floorf , hypotd , hypotf , log10d , log10f , log2d , log2f , logcd , logcf , logd , logf , matrix2d , matrix2f , matrix3d , matrix3f , matrix4d , matrix4f , modd , modf , powcd , powcf , powd , powf , quaterniond , quaternionf , relCmpd , relCmpf , relErrCmpd , relErrCmpf , roundd , roundf , sincd , sincf , sind , sinf , sinhcd , sinhcf , sinhd , sinhf , sqrtcd , sqrtcf , sqrtd , sqrtf , tancf , tancf , tand , tanf , tanhcd , tanhcf , tanhd , tanhf , vector2d , vector2f , vector3d , vector3f , vector4d , vector4f 
All Namespaces:default , ui 
All Projects:core , debugtext , tkfreetype2 , tkmath , tkmidi , tkopengl , tkportaudio , tksdl , tkui , tkunit 

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