  1. Index of TkScript » Downloads

Binaries, source codes, tools and examples

Table of Contents:

1. Executables
  1. Index of TkScript » Downloads » Prebuilt executables

Precompiled binaries are available mainly for the Microsoft Windows 2000/XP/Vista/Win7 platform.
You can create your own binaries, e.g. for Linux, by using the source packages below.
1.1. Windows 2000/XP/Vista/Win7 32bit
  1. Index of TkScript » Downloads » Prebuilt executables » Windows 2000/XP/Vista 32bit
1.1.1. Milestone releases setup.exe
download_icon tks-setup.exe - TkScript runtime + plugins installer for Win32 [28-Dec-2015]
download_icon tks.zip - TkScript runtime + plugins binaries for Win32 [28-Dec-2015]

This is the graphical installer for the release of TkScript. Stable simply means that this version has been tested with a couple of test-scripts before release.
Administrator privileges are required to install the MIME integration handlers and plugin/module/library/application path registry entries.
1.1.2. Current development snapshot tks-preview.exe
download_icon tks-preview.exe - Latest TkScript runtime + plugins installer for Win32 [28-Dec-2015]

This is the graphical installer for the latest and greatest version of TkScript. This version might break certain features but in general it is often more stable than the last milestone release :).
Administrator privileges are required to install the MIME integration handlers and plugin/module/library/application path registry entries. zip package
download_icon tks.zip - Latest TkScript runtime + plugins binaries for Win32 [28-Dec-2015]

No administrator privileges required. The plugins, module, library and application paths need to be setup using environment variables or command line options, though.
Also see TkScript reference guide / User Interface.
Note: Since the tks.zip package does not write to the registry or install anything else when run, you'll have to setup the plugin, library, and application paths via command line options.
For example, to run the tkui test application, you would do something like this (and make sure that the .dll files are executable!)
C:\somewhere> unzip tks.zip 
C:\somewhere> cd tks 
C:\somewhere\tks> tks -ap applications/ -pp plugins/ -lp libraries/ app:testui
1.2. Directory Listing
<insert directory listing here>
2. Source code packages
  1. Index of TkScript » Downloads » Source code packages
download_icon tks-source.zip - Latest TkScript source code [28-Dec-2015]

Since I prefer simple makefiles to complex build tools, the core source package as well as the plugin source codes contain hand-written makefiles for each supported platform (e.g. win32 msvc/mingw, linux, macosx, ..).
These makefiles need to include a platform dependent build configuration (install_platform.mk) which can be downloaded below (tks-build.zip).
In addition to that, toplevel makefiles which build the scriptengine along with the "standard" plugins are provided for Windows and Linux.
You will also need to download YInG/YAC plugin SDK (C++) and unzip it right beside the tks-source/ directory.
2.1. Build configurations
download_icon tks-build.zip - Toplevel makefiles for Win32/Linux/.. [28-Dec-2015]

The tks-build.zip packages contains toplevel makefiles which can be used to build the plugin sources (see below).
TkScript can be crosscompiled for e.g. an ARM target by tweaking the install_gcc_common.mk make configuration file. Also see Compiling on GNU/Linux.
2.2. Plugin source code packages
download_icon eqxmms.zip - bindings for Felipe Rivera's EQXMMS multiband audio equalizer [17-Aug-2014]
download_icon tkcg.zip - bindings for NVidia's Cg shader language (originally written by Walker) [17-Aug-2014]
download_icon tkchipmunk.zip - bindings for Scott Lembcke's chipmunk 2d physics engine [16-Apr-2009]
download_icon tkfileutils.zip - some simple filesystem utilities [28-Dec-2015]
download_icon tkfreeglut.zip - bindings for freeGLUT (OpenGL Utility Toolkit) (by Pawel W. Olszta and Walker) [16-Apr-2009]
download_icon tkfreetype2.zip - bindings for the freetype2 font library [28-Dec-2015]
download_icon tkfreeverb.zip - bindings for Jezar's freeverb audio library [16-Apr-2009]
download_icon tkmath.zip - a vector/matrix math plugin (originally written by Walker) [16-Apr-2009]
download_icon tkmidi.zip - bindings for MIDI (Musical Instrument Digital Interface) (Win32) [28-Dec-2015]
download_icon tkmidi_alsa.zip - bindings for MIDI (Musical Instrument Digital Interface) (Linux/ALSA) [28-Dec-2015]
download_icon tkoldmath.zip - source code for the legacy vector/matrix math library (originally written by Chaos) [16-Apr-2009]
download_icon tkopengl.zip - bindings for the OpenGL API [28-Dec-2015]
download_icon tkportaudio.zip - bindings for the PortAudio library (Win32) [17-Aug-2014]
download_icon tkportaudio_alsa_async.zip - alternative implementation of the tkportaudio API (Linux/ALSA) [28-Dec-2015]
download_icon tksampler.zip - a sample player with special support for Amiga-style 'chiptunes' [17-Aug-2014]
download_icon tksampleedit.zip - a support plugin for the ST2 audio/midi sequencer [28-Dec-2015]
download_icon tksdl.zip - bindings for libSDL [28-Dec-2015]
download_icon tksdl_net.zip - bindings for libSDL_net [31-Dec-2011]
download_icon tksidplay2.zip - bindings for sidplay2/resid [18-Apr-2009]
download_icon tksmdi.zip - implementation of the SMDI protocol (SCSI Musical Data Interchange) <win32 only> [16-Apr-2009]
download_icon tksynth.zip - a modular synthesizer (sample and/or block-based) [17-Aug-2014]
download_icon tkui.zip - a scripted user interface toolkit with a tiny native interface to support native file dialogs <Win32/GDI or Linux/GTK+> [28-Dec-2015]
download_icon yingtest.zip - a simple example plugin [16-Apr-2009]
2.3. Directory listing

For your convience, here is a list of files you might want to download if you intend to build tkscript and the core plugins:
download_icon tks-build.zip - Toplevel makefiles for Win32/Linux/.. [28-Dec-2015]
download_icon tks-source.zip - Latest TkScript source code [28-Dec-2015]
download_icon yac.zip - YAC C/C++ plugin SDK [28-Dec-2015]
download_icon tks-examples.zip - A couple of simple script examples and tests [28-Dec-2015]
download_icon yingtest.zip - a simple example plugin [16-Apr-2009]
download_icon tksdl.zip - bindings for libSDL and libSDL_net [28-Dec-2015]
download_icon tkopengl.zip - bindings for the OpenGL API [28-Dec-2015]
download_icon tkfreetype2.zip - bindings for the freetype2 font library [28-Dec-2015]
download_icon tkui.zip - a scripted user interface toolkit with a tiny native interface to support native file dialogs <Win32/GDI or Linux/GTK+> [28-Dec-2015]

Remember to edit the PLUGINS list in the toplevel makefile (e.g. makefile.linux) and comment out all the plugins you have NOT downloaded.
Usually, you can then build the sources by issuing
# make -f makefile.linux all_bin
# make -f makefile.linux all_install.
3. Developer packages
  1. Index of TkScript » Downloads » Developer packages
3.1. YInG/YAC plugin SDK (C++)
  1. Index of TkScript » Downloads » Developer packages » YInG/YAC plugin SDK (C++)
  2. Downloads » Source code packages
download_icon yac.zip - YAC C/C++ plugin SDK [28-Dec-2015]

This package contains the header files (see yac.h and dummy-host implementation yac_host.cpp) which are required to write native code extensions (plugins) in the C++ language.
The package is also required to compile the TkScript source code.
The YAC package contains the ying.tks wrapper script which scans a C++ header file for exported classes, functions, methods and constants and writes a set of C++ source/header files that have to be included in the respective plugin.
Please take a look at the yingtest example plugin if you want to learn how to use the YAC plugin SDK (i.e. see test.h, test.cpp).
3.2. tkunit
download_icon tkunit.zip - tkunit testing framework for TkScript [16-Apr-2009]
3.3. DOG
download_icon dog.zip - The TkScript document generator for API docs and user guides [28-Dec-2015]

Also see The DOG manual.
3.4. debugtext
download_icon debugtext.zip - debugtext script library [16-Apr-2009]
3.5. Directory listing

auto-generated by "DOG", the TkScript document generator. Mon, 28/Dec/2015 14:27:05