  1. Index of TkScript » Script library/tool documentation » RIO
1. Introduction

RIO is a http-based protocol I recently (2005) designed.
It is short for remote interface for objects and is meant as a light-weight, ASCII based RPC protocol which can encode/decode several atomic datatypes (boolean, integer, long, float, double, time, string) as well as complex datatypes like hashtables, arrays and classes.
I have written a tiny test-server in tkscript which I placed under the terms of the BSD license.
Please notice that SDL_net uses blocking socket-writes by default but I guess this does not matter for a test-server :-)
The more formal RIO specs can be found here.
Currently, this is more a proof-of-concept implementation. The following things still need to be done:
  • Write a TkScript client library
  • Write client libraries for JavaScript, ActionScript, ..
    • Someone else will have to do this, I am not a web programmer, sorry ;)
2. Examples

The following examples use the example service implementation, see service.tks.
Writing a service is easy, each DAO (data access object) has to be derived from RIO_Namespace.
The service description, DefaultService, must be derived from RIO_ServiceProvider.
The argument/return value en/decoding will automatically be handled by RIO.

module "MDefaultService";

class TestVO {
String key;
String value;
TestVO vo;

class TestDAO : RIO_Namespace {
getName { return "TestDAO"; }
getProcedures { return
"ap 1"
" create 2 key s value s : TestVO"

create(String key, value) { vo.key=key; vo.value=value; return vo; }

class DefaultService : RIO_ServiceProvider {
public init() returns boolean {

return RIO_ServiceProvider::init()

&& addClass(TestVO)

&& addNamespace(TestDAO)


The DefaultService can then be used to initialize the RIO service:

module Main;

RIO_Server rio_server;
Buffer rio_xferbuf;

function main() {
if(RIO_Service.Start(new DefaultService))
rio_xferbuf.size = RIO.MAX_MSG_SIZE;

if(rio_server.start(8080, 4))
// Wait for activity and process clients
die "[---] failed to create server socket. ups.";
die "[---] failed to start service.";

Also see files/rio.zip which contains the complete example code and RIO toolkit source codes.
2.1. Starting the server

Download the files/rio.zip source package and type
$ curl -O http://tkscript.de/files/rio.zip 
$ unzip rio 
$ cd rio 
$ tks rio 
respectively click tkx/rio.tkx to start the RIO server.
Once the server is up and running, you can click on the links in the following query examples and the server should return a text document holding the return value of the respective query.
Most of the examples simply return their argument(s).
To make the output of the following example queries more readable, I added some additional whitespace (newlines and spaces).
2.2. Query available namespaces
Query available namespaces:
The service should return
return as 4  
          "PersonDAO" "RoleDAO" "rio" "TestDAO" 
2.3. Query procedures for namespace RIO
Query procedures for namespace rio:
The service should return
return ap 2  
          namespaces 0  
             : as  
          procedures 1  
             name s  
             : s 
2.4. Query procedures for namespace TestDAO
Query procedures for namespace TestDAO:
The service should return
return ap 10  
          create 2  
             key s  
             value s  
             : TestVO  
          find 1  
             key s  
             : TestVO  
          echoBooleanArray 1  
             array ab  
             : ab  
          echoIntArray 1  
             array ai  
             : ai  
          echoLongArray 1  
             array al  
             : al  
          echoFloatArray 1  
             array af  
             : af  
          echoDoubleArray 1  
             array ad  
             : ad  
          echoStringArray 1  
             array as  
             : as  
          echoClassArray 1  
             array aTestVO  
             : aTestVO  
          echoHashArray 1  
             array ah  
             : ah 

Note: VO is short for ValueObject.
2.5. Query procedures for namespace RoleDAO
Query procedures for namespace RoleDAO:
The service should return
return ap 2  
          findById 1  
             id l  
             : RoleVO  
          findByName 1  
             name s  
             : RoleVO 
2.6. Query procedures for namespace PersonDAO
Query procedures for namespace PersonDAO:
The service should return
return ap 7  
          findById 1  
             id l  
             : aPersonVO   
          findByName 1  
             name s  
             : aPersonVO   
          create 1  
             person PersonVO  
             : PersonVO  
          remove 1  
             person PersonVO  
             : b   
          find 1  
             person PersonVO  
             : aPersonVO   
          findBySurname 1  
             surname s  
             : aPersonVO  
          findByMinMaxBirthdate 2  
             min t  
             max t  
             : aPersonVO 
2.7. Call the PersonDAO.create procedure
Call the PersonDAO.create procedure:
The service should return
return (PersonVO 7  
           forename s "Foo"  
           role_id l 1  
           surname s "Bar"  
           birthdate t 2005-08-25-17-52-04-781250000  
           id l 1  
           role (RoleVO 3  
                    granted_procedures as 0  
                    id l 1  
                    name s "User"  
           name s "Foo Bar" 
2.8. Call the TestDAO.echoBooleanArray procedure
Call the TestDAO.echoBooleanArray procedure:
The service should return
return ab 8  
          1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 
2.9. Call the TestDAO.echoIntArray procedure
Call the TestDAO.echoIntArray procedure:
The service should return
return ai 5  
          -2 -1 0 1 2 
2.10. Call the TestDAO.echoLongArray procedure
Call the TestDAO.echoLongArray procedure:
The service should return
return al 3  
          -9223372036854775807 23 9223372036854775807 
2.11. Call the TestDAO.echoFloatArray procedure
Call the TestDAO.echoFloatArray procedure:
The service should return
return af 5  
          -2.200000 -1.100000 0.123000 1.120000 2.230000 
2.12. Call the TestDAO.echoDoubleArray procedure
Call the TestDAO.echoDoubleArray procedure:
The service should return
return ad 3  
          -1.000000123 0.123456789 1.000000123 
2.13. Call the TestDAO.echoStringArray procedure
Call the TestDAO.echoStringArray procedure: %20world.%22%20':%5E%5D'%20'a%20%5C%22b%20c%5C%22%20d'
The service should return
return as 7  
          "o n e" "two" "three" "four" "hello, world." ":^]" "a \"b c\" d" 
2.14. Call the TestDAO.echoClassArray procedure
Call the TestDAO.echoClassArray procedure:
The service should return
return aTestVO 3  
          2 key s "Foo1" value s "Bar1"  
          2 key s "Foo2" value s "Bar2"  
          2 key s "Foo3" value s "Bar3" 
2.15. Call the TestDAO.echoHashArray procedure
Call the TestDAO.echoHashArray procedure:
The service should return
return ah 3  
          2 Key1_1 s "Value1_1"  
            Key1_2 s "Value1_2"  
          2 Key2_1 s "Value2_1"  
            Key2_2 s "Value2_2"  
          2 Key3_1 s "Value3_1"  
            Key3_2 s "Value3_2" 

auto-generated by "DOG", the TkScript document generator. Mon, 28/Dec/2015 14:27:05