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Functions are used to group frequently used statement sequences in order to avoid redundancy. These statement blocks may be parametrized by up to 255 (script) resp. 16 (native) arguments. Thus, functions support modularization of programs and furthermore help to split a problem into (possibly independent) sub problems (Divide and Conquer).

Basically, a distinction between user defined script functions and those being imported through the C/C++ plugin interface must be made. Plugin functions are limited to 16 arguments while script functions may take up to 255 arguments.

A special case of a function is a method which is a function attached to a class. Technically its the same as a function except a method can also "see" the current object ("this").

User defined functions

The return value of a user defined function is dynamic and may change according to the current parameter set. Each function may return one value at most. If multiple return values are required, a HashTable or Array object can be used.


function Deg2Rad(float _degrees) {
   return _degrees*2PI/360.0;

print Deg2Rad(90);


function SplitFloat(float _f) {
	float ffrac=frac(_f);
	return [_f-ffrac, ffrac];

float f;
foreach f in SplitFloat(1.23)
        print f;

Forward declarations

In case the implementation does not immediately follow the declaration, the declaration will be called Forward Declaration. The argument list may not be repeated when a forward declarated function is implemented.

Forward declarations are especially useful for class methods to keep the class definition and implementation separated (class method are just functions which can also "see" the current object ("this")).

Please notice that forward declarations are not mandatory; they just may slightly increase execution speed since the function call can be resolved directly, i.e. without emitting an xref node and resolving that first (in case of class methods it does not make any difference).


function HTMLSpan(String _s, String _class); // "Forward Declaration"

print HTMLSpan("test", "myclass");

function HTMLSpan {
   // Implementation, argument list is not repeated
   return "<span class=\""+_class+"\">"+_s+"</span>";

Functions in other modules

Functions in other modules can be accessed by prepending the respective module name.


Variable return types

The return type of a function is not fixed but may depend on the current arguments.


        HashTable values<=#["i"=42, "f"=3.14, "s"="hello, world."];

	function vreturn(String _arg) {
			return values[_arg];
			return "err: no such element "+_arg+".";

Local variables

Usually variables in tkscript functions are only created once; they live until the script is unloaded. In practice this means that regular variables are not unset when a function call returns.

Recursive algorithms require that the lifetime of the respective functions variables starts with the function call and ends when the function returns. This is what the local qualifier is used for.

Please notice that the local qualifier in JIT compiled statement blocks has a slightly different meaning, i.e. you cannot mix local JIT variables and local interpreted variables.


// ---- these two function basically do the same thing:
//      typecast an integer to a String and return a volatile (i.e. deletable) object.

function ftest2(int k) {
    String s=k;
    return tcstring(s); // create a copy of "s"

function ftest(int k) {
    local String s=k;
    return deref s;

print ftest(2);
print ftest2(3);


// file:   testrecursion.tks
// date:   05Mar2002, updated 21Apr2004
// author: Bastian Spiegel <>
// rem   : a recursive implementation of the fibonacci algorithm.

module Main;

function Fib(local int _i) {
	return 0;
	    return 1;
	    return Fib(_i-1)+Fib(_i-2);

print "Fib(9)="+Fib(9);

TKS API functions

The following functions are provided by the TKS core API:

 int            2n          (int) - return next in size power of 2
 int|float      abs         (int|float)-  return absolute (positive) value
 float          acos        (float) -  return arcus cosine
 int            argb        (int, int, int, int) - return packed 32Bit color value
 float          asin        (float) - return arcus sine
 float          ceil        (float) - round up
 float          cos         (int|float) - return cosine
 float          deg         (float) - convert radian to degree
                die         (String) - output err. Message and abort the application
		exit        (int) - exit application and return errorcode to the invoking shell
 float          exp         (float) - return e^a
 float          floor       (float) - round down
 float          frac        (float) - return decimal place
 String         getenv      (String) - return value for environment variable 
 float          ln          (float) - return logarhythm naturalis
 float          mathAbsMaxf (float, float) - return the bigger of two absolute values
 int		mathAbsMaxi (int, int) - return the bigger of two absolute values
 float          mathAbsMinf (float, float) - return the smaller of two absolute values
 int            mathAbsMini (int, int) - return the smaller of two absolute values
 float          mathMaxf    (float, float) - return the bigger of two values
 int            mathMaxi    (int, int) - return the bigger of two values
 float          mathMinf    (float, float) - return the smaller of two values
 int            mathMini    (int, int) - return the smaller of two values
 float          mathPowerf  (float, float) - return a raised to the power of b
 int		mathPoweri  (int, int) - return a raised to the power of b
 int		milliSeconds() - return number of milliseconds since script engine initialization
                print       (String) - output String to STDOUT. append newline if necessary. 
 int            psystem     (String, int _t, String _buf) - execute system command and read/write from stdin/to stdout. _t must be 'r' or 'w'.
                putenv      (String, String) - set an environment variable
 float          rad         (float) - convert degree to radian
 int            rgb         (int, int, int) - return packed 32Bit color value (alpha=255)
 int|float      rnd, rand   (int|float) - return random number in the given range
 float          round       (float) - round  up to next integer
 float          sin         (int|float) - return sine
 float          sqrt        (int|float) - return square root
                srand       (int) - random seed
                stderr      (String) - output String to STDERR 
                stdout      (String) - output String to STDOUT 
 int            system      (String) - execute system command*
 float          tan         (int|float) - return tangent
 String         tcchar      (int) - convert integer to 1-char ASCII String 
 float          tcfloat     (int|float|String) - convert value to floating point representation
 int            tcint       (int|float|String) - convert value to integer representation
 Object         tcobject    (int|float|String) - convert value to Object representation. 
                                                    create copy of object if it is read-only.
 String         tcstring    (int|float|String) - convert value to String representation, 
                                                    create copy of string if it is read only
                trace       (String) - output String to debug console (default is STDOUT). append newline if necessary.
 int            typeid      (<expr>) - print type id (0,1,2,3,4) of expression
 String         typename    (<expr>) - print type name of expression


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