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Object -> Value


intValue    - return value typecasted to an int
floatValue  - return value typecasted to a float
objectValue - return value typecasted to an object
stringValue - return value typecasted to a String
value       - return actual value 
type        - return type of value (0=void, 1=int, 2=float, 3=object, 4=string)
newObject   - set new object by template


Object derefObjectValue ()                 - unlink object pointer and return volatile object
int    getIntValue      ()                 - return value typecasted to an int
float  getFloatValue    ()                 - return value typecasted to a float
Object getObjectValue   ()                 - return read-only reference to object
String getString        ()                 - return debug-style String
String getStringValue   ()                 - return value typecasted to a String
<var>  getValue         ()                 - return actual value
int    getType          ()                 - return type of value (0=void, 1=int, 2=float, 3=object, 4=string)
       initNull         ()                 - set null object
       initVoid         ()                 - set void value
       setIntValue      (int)              - set type and value
       setFloatValue    (float)            - set type and value
       setObjectValue   (Object)           - set type and value, read-only reference the given Object
       setStringValue   (Object | String)  - set type and value, read-only reference the given String. if the argument is a generic object then convert it to a String (i.e. store a value instead of a reference) 
       setValue         (Value _v)         - (deref) copy from other value
       typecast         (int _type)        - change type and convert value (0=void, 1=int, 2=float, 3=object, 4=string)
       unset            ()                 - free object pointer if necessary
       setNewObject     (Object _template) - create new instance of _template


    Value v=#(new Time);
    trace v.string;
$ tks ../../test.tks
<Object "Time" RW (0x8b0008, 9109512, 1.27651e-038 "")>
to the console.



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